Week 4 – UV texture & Sword texture

UV Texture:

We had the task of learning how to use the UV Texture to make in blender and in PHOTOSHOP with the textures and also the colours of the shapes leaving more realistic each object made. In class we made some works in blender to practice the textures in a basic way to use. To make the textures we used the objects of a Coke can and a dice to practice.






Texture used:



After the first steps I made the process of textures, importing to Photoshop to put in Blender and give the texture of the objects.








Final :



Sword Texture:

After practicing a bit on how to import UV texture in the modelling we did in class, it was time for me to prepare a modelling of a ‘sword’ in the style I liked and with the textures I liked best in the modelling. For the part of the sword modelling I chose a more fantasy style as if it was an ice sword with a more game style, I made the sword with more details to be a little more realistic for her designer.


Idea and process:




In the task of making the modelling I did not have much difficulty, I liked to have obtained to make the style that I desired to make in the sword. But even with the part of making the sword and not having had much difficulty, in the end of making the sword my intention was to make some more details but I ended up having much work and delay then I ended up changing a little the end of the modelling finishing the sword with a shape that in the moment more pleased me.


UV Texture:

To do the textures I wanted to use textures more similar to ice, making the sword look more like it was made of ice. For the part of making the texture I had some difficulty to organize the textures of where they would be in the sword but after a few minutes I managed to put the images and have a final that pleased me in the part of images.







And for the animation part I have some difficulties that for me the animation is not a very strong bridge but I hope to improve this part more, I made a simple movement making the sword fly towards a stone and in this trajectory I made some movements in rotation.










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