Week 2 – Skateboard & Pull cart modelling

Modelling Skateboard : 

In the second week of class ‘3D Digital Literacy’ we had the task of modelling a skateboard and a pull cart. In this task I used the software Blender to work on the modelling and the textures that I chose to put on the objects. With the first modelling I made a skateboard in the living room, in the final process I finished some parts at home that were already the textures and colours of the object.



Style and texture:

After researching some textures to be placed in the background modelling I wanted to make a more fun style and put images that matched the background of a skateboarders track, concrete floor and a construction to make the jumps.


Texture of floor:


Inspirational place:

To help me with the background and other objects of the Skateboard scenery I used the internet to help me with ideas of what I could use for a skateboarder’s place. Through this research I decided to model a structure that skateboarders use to jumper.



My background modelling:



Final of Skateboard:





Skateboard and background:



Modelling Pull cart:

In the second modelling I did a Pull Cart in this modelling I did the preparation and the whole process at home in Blender software, with a simpler style getting some references on the internet of colours and Pull cart models.



My pull cart modelling:



Texture of  floor:

With this modelling process I had help from the tutor with some tutorials, that we could follow to make the pull cart. Already in the part of making the bottom of the pull cart I wanted a background with grass that gave the impression that had the backyard of a house then as help I followed a YouTube video, so I could put the grass on the floor of the pull cart.



My grass modelling:



Final of Pull Cart and background:



Pull Cart & Skateboard:



With all the process I showed great interest to do the modelling and at the same time the researches that were part of the process too. In this homework made us learn more about the commands that would be used in the Blender Software to make the objects.

To make the skateboard I didn’t have much difficulty and found it fun to make, I liked the part that put the colours and some textures, but for the background part I had some difficulties with the whole process I made a lot of changes and exchanged many times the items that will be part of the background of the skateboard to see which would combine more in the image.

With the Pull Cart had a little more difficulty to be more details to do and also to contain more circular forms in the object, but apart from this part of the modelling that with help of tutorials could do the pull cart. The background in the part of making the floor I had fun and learned some more commands on blender that will help me a lot with modelling.


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