Week 6 Research

For our first week starting our final workshop, it was the 6th week and we were tasked with researching our new project I wanted to do something similar to my previous project and keep it along the theme of religion so I chose to explore life and death and what people make of it, but also what they fear in it, in short terms, REBIRTH. The first few pages of the sketchbook were architectural drawings and research that is beneficial to my project to see what boundaries I could push and what methods I could use to step out of my comfort zone. I always relied on throwing everything out of the page and hoping for the best the more I had on a page the better it seemed, but my teacher advised me against it and challenged me to explore simplicity yet emphasise the subject in the piece.

These next few sketchbook pages are showing different ways that I could step out of my comfort zone and explore different types of art techniques that I’m not very comfortable with because I wanted to challenge myself during this final semester. I also made a few ideas on ceramic and wire pieces and sculptures for the weeks ahead the very last page is the start of my research that I did behind rebirth and I read a lot of philosopher’s work on what the afterlife is and what other people believe happens after you die. I wanted to take in every ones perspective and not just focus on my own because it could give me some ideas to where my final piece could lead and what the meaning behind everything was.

I have highlighted it on emphasised quotes that I thought would be useful for my final piece, some of the phrases did not end up useful but I still mentioned them so that I could still have a backup plan if my main ideas did not work and I would have supporting evidence of it in these quotes.

I dedicated a page to why I chose these certain topics to focus on. Some of the topics are about beauty and some are about life and death, I feel like it is important to understand that life and death is not always what we find beautiful but it is a form of beauty in itself. A memorable quote from a book is “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” even though I know my final piece will not be the beauty that other people appreciate I know that I will be able to appreciate it because it is a form of beauty that I see, I want people to see what beauty is through my eyes when they look at my final piece.

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