Animation for the Creative Industries- Post Process Effect Creation.

During this period of time, we were working to fix our game’s visuals and I assigned myself to create a black outline effect on our props and visuals to match our art style. I found a tutorial on Youtube on how to create the post process shader for our project. Below are screenshots of theContinue reading Animation for the Creative Industries- Post Process Effect Creation.

Animation for the Creative Industries- Art Style Update, New Props and Textures

After Week 7 of our Creative Industries module, our group was given crucial feedback on our art style, which was that our visuals in the Unreal project did not look like our chosen Saturday Morning Cartoon style, and that we are crucially behind getting our lighting test finished. As a result of this, I knewContinue reading Animation for the Creative Industries- Art Style Update, New Props and Textures

Animation for the Creative Industries- Level Design Plan & Environment Design Update

At the time of this post and to prepare for our playtest build, we decided to focus all of our attention onto environmental design. , I drew up an updated level design for our submarine, as we were in need of a new level layout, and highlighted the main rooms for us to put ourContinue reading Animation for the Creative Industries- Level Design Plan & Environment Design Update

Animation for the Creative Industries- Prop Modelling Progress

During week 5 of our Animation for the Creative Industries module, I decided to get a head start on prop modelling between my animation work as that was something we were asked to have done for the upcoming week. I decided to focus on creating props that were to be interacted with for our minigames,Continue reading Animation for the Creative Industries- Prop Modelling Progress

Animation for the Creative Industries- Sea Bunny Animations

I began working on animating our Sea Bunny guide character for the player as we were advised to start properly developing our assets. I started out with animating the hologram pop up that the Sea Bunny character appears in, deciding to use a boiling technique on the lineart to connote that digital aspect of theContinue reading Animation for the Creative Industries- Sea Bunny Animations

Animation for the Creative Industries- Environment Concept Art

I started work on envrionment concept art for our game concept as we had lacked a proper demonstration of our main environment of our game. I planned out how the lighting and atmosphere changes over the course of the game, how the water mechanic would function and the interior of the caves where the playerContinue reading Animation for the Creative Industries- Environment Concept Art

DES 333 Animation Discourse- Assignment 1 Presentation Reflection

This is my reflection blog post for Assignment 1 in our Animation Discourse module. Overall, I found this first assignment to be very beneficial for getting us back into research projects in relation to animation history. My group overall communicated well and collaborated well with each other, and being provided with articles as sources helpedContinue reading DES 333 Animation Discourse- Assignment 1 Presentation Reflection

Animation for the Creative Industries- Saturday Morning Cartoon Design Research, Mascot Design & Art Style Guide Slides

During this week, we started concentrating more of our focus on researching the Saturday Morning Cartoon style we were advised to use for our Submarine game in our vertical slice project. After giving the games pitch presentation on Monday, we divided up the tasks we would be doing whilst working towards our art style guideContinue reading Animation for the Creative Industries- Saturday Morning Cartoon Design Research, Mascot Design & Art Style Guide Slides

Animation for the Creative Industries- Clean Sci-Fi Research for Art Style Guide

We were tasked with creating an art style guide for our game project. We chose three to work on individually which we would then develop and decide on the next week. I chose to research a Clean Sci-Fi art style, and began my research and development of the style. I collected references for different modelsContinue reading Animation for the Creative Industries- Clean Sci-Fi Research for Art Style Guide