This Week’s Overview
On the agenda this week is creating the UV’s for all my existing models as well as build up the school house and log cabin (All in Maya).
Working on the UV
I started working on UV’s today and I won’t go over them too much in future blogs as it will become repetitious . The basic of UV Editing is to line up each of the models surfaces so the 2D image will reflect properly on the 3d model by using tools like Cut and Sew. In theory this is very easy to understand, the problem is, in practice it is a complete nightmare to accomplish especially if you’re working on more complex models with lots of surface area like my wolf statue. Whilst it’s nothing that would break these models or the game it Is just a very long and tedious task and is never as engaging or entertaining as building or texturing a model, but it is necessary to get the job done. I have included two examples below, one of a simple UV texture map, the other a more complicated one. Once a UV map is done, I use the automatic UV layout to order to get a nice neat map. As I said while I won’t be talking about them much I will be working on them in the background. Going forward when I discuss creating new models the UV will be an inherent part of that process I just wont be repeating myself over and over.
Creating New Assets
I worked two specific models this week in Maya. I worked on finishing the log cabin and completing the school house. These would be nothing out of the ordinary from previous models I’ve made other than their size, they would be much larger. I also went back through my models, and scaled them accordingly so that they are the right size for the game based off the characters measurements my team member Nathan gave me.