Two Weeks Overview


This blog entry covers my work across the Easter holidays relating to Assignment 1, but I’m afraid this is a short one. I completed my models and textures 2 weeks ago and was awaiting any feedback or orders from my team members.

Whilst awaiting feedback, I was doing a lot of work on my Assignment 2, personal animation and my Coursework 3 Essay as their deadlines were before the Game Project and I had a lot more work to do on them.



My Work over the Easter Holidays


I did take some time to go over my own textures to make sure they were up to standard with the rest of the project before uploading them to GitHub. My team member and brother, Nathan, asked me for some help with his textures and my knowledge of Substance Painter. I was not as skilled in the program as he thought, but I had enough skills to help him with most of his textures and help “toon” them up (reduces detail/increased the colour values).

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