This Week’s Overview
In class we went over the process of facial animation and I would have a go at it myself with pre-made assets. Also this week I would have the team vote on the concept art and design they liked for both the headpiece and the body outfit for the Wolf statue. With this information, I will develop the chosen results and put the updated design to another vote.
Class 1
In the first class of the day we covered facial animation. I was even tasked with making my own from an example rig and sample audio track downloaded from Blackboard. I’m happy with the new information I learned and how facial templates help make the job a lot easier. However facial animation is one of the hardest, when it comes to animation in general. Even my attempt, while good, is quite rough and many of the motions of the body look stiff. If I get more time to myself, I should go over some more material and keep practicing the art.
Link to my example of YouTube:
Class 2
After Lunch we had a team meeting to discuss how we were getting along with our job. I presented the concept drawings to the team and explained how I would go about designing and creating the Wolf Statue. I also alerted them that the statue would take a lot longer than the other environmental assets due to being a design build from the ground up (unlike the buildings for which we have historical examples), and the complexity of the design where one side is different to the other. In order to try to include the rest of the team in my design and encourage team communication, I set up a vote online to see what base direction they liked the most.
Rest of the Week
We had an online team meeting on Thursday, using Discord, where I would set up the vote. I have the evidence of the vote below, but the image is quite blurred. From the results I can tell that the Tribal Dress was the most popular bodywear with thorns winning out for the head gear.
Shown below are my updated drawings based on the outcome of the team’s votes. Further votes will take place along the way and will lead to the final design of the statue which will then be corrupted in line with the story of the game. Once The final votes are cast, I will create the final drawing for the end of next week. As we can see, I have expanded the chosen ideas out into three different designs each. They represent different roles and gear worn by the Tribal people of Europe and Scandinavia. My mood board was used to show me the designs elements of the theme, with the video game, Darkest Dungeon’s Hellion Hero being the key creative inspiration. I would also include images of Two face from Batman and the Forces of Chaos from Warhammer 40000 to see what way I could take the dark influences.
Mood Board
My Drawings