
For this week, our team was to discuss our ideas about the forge 3D environment project. We would also given a task to create a presentation for next week.

The Ideas.

Before I go over the ideas we came up with this week I will run down each of the members of my team (including myself):

  • The Forge will have overall warm colours to represent the intense heat.
  • The overall design will be dark fansity combine with Celtic culture. This will help create a environment that has it own personality and stand out from your average Forge without having to modal extremely complex modal so purely to stand out on that alone.
  • The art style will be reflective to block-cartoon art as seen popular in 90s comic and early to mid 2000. Example of these style being World of Warcraft, Darksiders and the Old Warhammer tabletop modals, like in Dawn of War. This should allow us to create a great looking environment without having to make photo realistic modal.

The Presentation.

For home work, each team has to create a PowerPoint presentation with an audio dialogue track. It would be about the ideas we have settled on and how we plan to expand the project from said ideas. Each team member would handle a slide each. Most likely we will be in charge of those aspects creating during the project it self. My slide is about the weapons and Armorer created by the forge.

At Home/Rest of the Week.

At home, I will work to complete the presentation for next week. The slide I was tasked with “Weapons and Armorers” was simple to make as I knew what I needed to write and I could you the drawing I did in class as images. One of our team members ‘ ….  ‘, created the design of the slideshow already so I just copy the style from him. The only problem I’m running in to is recording my audio. My PC mic isn’t working the way it should, recording the computer internal audio instead of the microphone. I will send what I have done now to the member who is putting the slides together and sent the audio when it is done.



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