The Days Before Class
I continued with my homework, of creating both character designs for the Evil Scientist, the Hybrids Animals and 6 thumbnail drawings for the backgrounds, all for the Group 4 project. I also created 2 different colour pallets for a pre-drawn background to reflect how colour can change the location or the mood of a scene. Using this work as background knowledge and practice, I had to take one of my 6 thumbnail drawings and re-create it, using a set of colours to add mood. I chose a black, white and grey colour palette, representing a film noir movie theme to add mystery to the drawing, specifically to the check up room. Finally, before the day of the Animation studio classes (Thursday), I took 2 images from 2 of my favorite animated films (Rango and the first SpongeBob film) and created a colour grid of the images respective colour palettes.
Thursday Class
On the day of the class held on Blackboard and with Discord on the side to communicate with my teammates and share images with each other, we first attended a lecture held by Cathy Moore about Virtual Collaboration. What is it and how to work effective work as a team online ?. I already knew some of this information due to my previous twoyears in the Southern Regional College (SRC) Animation and Games Design course, but a refresher is always good and some of the information was changed due to the pandemic. In the afternoon we were placed back in our groups (I was group 4, the Hybrids Animal team). While sharing our work the teams were switched again, but I and one other person were kept in Group 4, which is nice as it mean my recent work was still completely valid, but I would have to help catch up with the new team members on what the project was about.
We shared our work and expanded elements like the story (I was able to contribute a lot to that, and the team were pleased with my ideas and story beats. When it came to the tutors inspecting my homework, their feedback was positive, liking my use of colour and ideas on world and character design. They did however state that I maybe should add shadows to bring more depth and light into my world as a source of improvement. I will take that advice on board, however the main reason I did not add shadows was due to a lack of Adobe Programmes in that my new pc had not arrived and I was still not used to the layout of the backup software Krita.
Conclusion and Homework
Overall, I am pleased with this week’s work as I start on the work for next Thursday. I must create several sketches of my character designs in different poses and angles, refining elements of their design. I will also be writing up at least one-character profile from the template handed out to me. Additionally I will also be spending some of my free time reading the recommended books on animation and any other elements I can add into this project.
This Weeks Work