Work Before Class
Leading up to the animation studio class on Thursday (which will be held online using both Blackboard and Discord), I was working on the 6 thumbnail perspective backgrounds on the drawing software Krita. I got the backgrounds completed and I am happy how they turned out, except for the first one. I still like it, but the perspective is a bit off with how the overview platform lines up with the cells. I also continued to write up my blogs as well as read more of Cartoon Animation by Preston Blair.
Thursday Class
On Thursday, I uploaded my work but due to how the day was laid out, the tutor said we would all look over the work next week as a class. I went into my current group, at that time group 4, to have one last talk and sharing of concept drawings and ideas before we got switched around again just like last week.
When the switching did come around, I was kept in the same group project and some of or other members got replaced (one of them was from my first group, group 2 with another one from group 2). I did like this as while we did have to take time to catch up the newbies with the project, I already knew what I was working on. Over the remainder of the day, we spent time refining the idea of the world of the Hybrids prison and drew up some new concepts designs for both human and monsters alike.
I am happy with how the team is shaping the project, and over the course of new week we are to continue drawing the concept are for the project and follow the online study guide on colour and complete the accompanying homework.
This Weeks Work