
My first weekly challenge was to create a vase in Maya, below is my reference image.

I used Maya before during my Foundation Degree year, I created a small city in Maya and added in a camera. However, I did watch a tutorial on Linked In that covered a lot of features in Maya by George Maestri. I found the tutorial very long but I think I’m more comfortable now with understanding the software and it’s endless features.

I managed to finished just the basic shape of vase, for not using this software in over a year the shape is pretty smooth and I found the controls pretty easy. However, I did manage to create ngons on my vase which messed up the next stages. But I learned that pressing 1 turns off smooth preview and will help for future reference.

I found creating the vase was simple, using the multi-tool button, but I did struggle when creating the inside of the vase. Using the bevel tool was a bit confusing at first but after a few tries I managed to create an even width of an inside. Using the wire frame view made seeing the inside much easier and allowed me to make sure the circle stayed consistently round and not uneven.


The final vase came out really good, I managed to add more smoothness to the rim of the vase since it looked very sharp. I’m really happy with the outcome and I have boosted my confidence working with Maya.


Videos & Webpages:

3D Literacy – DES132 – Intro to Maya:

Maya Tutorial for Beginners – 2020:


3D Literacy – DES132 – Intro to Maya:

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