Week 5, 6, 7 & 8

Over these couple of weeks I worked closely with Danielle with the spider rigging. As she was creating the animations if there were any issues I could go back into the rig and change to suit.

A major change was to add controls to the top of the leg rather than at the knee joint, we discovered when placing the legs at a sideways angle they would pop out of place.

By week 8 the second attempt of the spider was complete and I got some feedback from Michael about the rig. He let me know that my controls weren’t frozen before parenting them, He also added to include 2 IK controls at the knees and at the feet but as I worked on the rig I couldn’t get them both to work together so we stuck with just the one IK.

After his help this is what the final rig looked like:

On our Tuesday meeting call we had discussed about the inclusion of a friendly spider and how it would interact with both the character and possibly to be used as a method for the player to use the controls.

As well as this rig I had been working on a dead spider rig. This would be included as background animations and so I didn’t need to focus too much on the controls. Below is my method:

I repeated this method for the rest of the legs.

Once I finished the rig I added a plane to give me a flat surface to work with for the animations. I also used the graph editor for smoothing the animations as I found the legs would weave back and forth as I animated them.

I also exported the meshes and the skeletons into Unreal to test them before being placed within the game.