So, after a long break we’re back and to start things off we got the handbook of what this semester is all about. Our first assignment is to model, UV unwrap, texture and render one of the following:
- Windmill
- Mantel Clock
- Treasure Chest & Treasure
- Sword & shield
- Sci-Fi Door
- Old Well
- Magic Witch / Wizard Staff
I then began to research all of the objects to see which one appealed to me the most.
I done some of my research on Art Station, it gave me some of the best designs and encouraged me to like the staff idea. I like the tribal feel to them with the skulls and the feathers and their magical/mysterious atmosphere about them.
I researched some images of tribal staffs:
For my staff I’d love to add different elements seen in the images above. Using a leather and wood handle and the accessories with bright colours and lights.
I did find some skulls that would look really cool as the main piece on top with added lights or a smoke effect coming out of the eyes and mouth. Another idea with the skulls is a ram skull, I think the horns would be cool with feathers etc. hanging from them.
When researching skulls I came across Sea of Thieves skulls, the lighting and design caught my eye. Since these skulls usually have no bottom jaw it would be much simpler to model, giving me more time on my other accessories.
I found an image on ArtStation which is something similar to what I was imagining for my staff, I think the use of colours and lighting would work really well.
From these ideas I decided to focus on a simpler staff, having basic knowledge of Maya and Substance Painter it made me realize a simpler design would be more realistic for my deadline. I’m going to stick to a tribal themed staff, with a simple orb in the center, I think my staff will come out well once the textures have been applied.
Articles & videos:
3D Literacy – DES132 – Intro to Maya:
Maya Tutorial for Beginners – 2020:
3D Literacy – DES132 – Intro to Maya:
Glowing Skull Staff: