Week 10 – Reflective Blog & Peer Review & Updated Storyboards

For this week I mainly focused on my blog. I was split into a group with Jennifer, Katie and Leticia, who all provided me with both positive and negative feedback. Surprisingly, this feedback comforted me more about what I was producing so far which allowed me to improve my work and make my blog more appealing. It also allowed me to stress less and not be so lost in what to post and what not to post. After this feedback session I feel a lot more confident in what I am producing.

My feedback:

  • Easy to understand
  • Informative
  • Make work larger than references as they get lost
  • Make references into mood boards
  • Present my work at the start of each post
  • Use more real life photos to base my work off

I enjoyed this feedback session and feel it would help me more in the future to ensure myself that I’m doing the right work and keeping myself on track. I would love to do more of these for the next semester, I feel it will help others too when speaking about any issues they have, as sometimes in the main calls some peoples voices get lost and aren’t heard.

I then decided to tidy up my storyboards from the week before. The ones I drew were too sketchy and not the design I was intending. I decided to change the character to running from the left than the right, add in better stairs and background. I prefer these storyboards and think they show my scene and layout well.

After finishing my final storyboards I managed to get my animatic completed. I don’t personally like it as I could’ve spent more time working on it but I didn’t have that time.

I feel that I’ve let myself and my group members down, so for the last few weeks I hope to cut down the hours at work and focus on my final animation.

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