Tasks & Schedule

When rebranding for this assignment I knew that I wanted it to be themed after my latest project, ‘Halloween Night’ like my last project, ‘Arcade Animatronics’. This means that I will have to update and readjust my CV, Business cards, Showreel and update my portfolio. As well as update my Linktree, socials and create a new QR Code.

Like with ‘Halloween Night’, I create a gantt chart and to-do list to help me manage my tasks and keep a clear idea of my goals for the deadline.


Business Cards

—Business Card References—

When looking up references for concept artist business cards I knew I wanted something fun and colourful, kind of like an art card on the front and information on the back so I looked mostly at business cards with that type of style.


—Business Card Rough Designs—

Using elements from the references I found, I created a few ideas for what my new business cards could look like. I really liked design three and five for the front and eight for the back so I moved onto creating some colour schemes.


I wanted to keep the original colours from ‘Halloween Night’ so I mostly tested if I wanted simple backgrounds or added trees as well as what colour I wanted to make the back of the card.

I really like the blue and orange as it matches Clementine colours and I want her to be my logo on my social media but it looks too much like a sunset so I decided it would be best to keep with the purple and pink. It should also help keep the front and back of the card from looking disjointed.


—Business Card Final Designs—

Once I was happy with the colours, I created the final design for the business cards. I reused my poster for the front of my card and just replaced the title and added a border. I also tweaked it to be a bit more pinkish purple to better blend with the back.

For the back, I made outlines of my characters heads and created a repeating pattern which I can use in banners for my other socials.



Overall, I like my business card but the back and front feel a little separated so I’ll continue to edit it.



—CV References—

I really wanted to keep with a colourful but structured CV so I looked into some concept artist CVs with defined sections and ones with large sections with artwork on them.


I liked my previous CV but needed to rebrand it and update my experiences as well as tweak the layout a bit so that it’s easier to read as well as use align on the main body of text to make it look neater.


—CV Rough Designs—

Looking at my previous CV and the references, I took elements that I liked from each and combined them to make a few different combinations. I really liked two and three so I made a few colour schemes of them to see which I liked better.


I liked the purple and orange heavy colour scheme of design one so I moved forward with that design to create my final CV.


—CV Finalised Designs—

-Version 1-

Following my rough design I made my CV. I liked this version but I wanted to declutter the header. I decided to add a QR Code to the bottom and remove the Instagram and Linktree as the QR code would cover those.


-Version 2-

On the second version I added the QR code and cleaned up the header. I much prefer this layout but I didn’t like the layout of the softwares at the bottom and I realised that I had typed my phone number wrong, as well as still needing to align my main body of text.



I really liked how the final version came out but due to a problem with accessing Photoshop, I wasn’t able to add a hyperlink to my email and some of the spacing could use a little tweaking but overall, I’m happy with how the CV came out.

On further review of my CV I realised that I added the wrong title to one of my experiences (the first one) so I’ll need to go back and edit that later.



—Showreel References—

Even though concept art is more often than not displayed as a portfolio rather than a showreel, I still wanted to create one. I found some really nice looking concept art showreels that I referenced.


—Final Showreel—

Due to creating a showreel of all my recent work minus this project just last semester for the End of Year Show for the final years, I just went through and took away my less strong pieces and the ones that no longer fit with what job I want. I also updated my title card to better match my new branding.


Something I noticed when looking at the references is that they add a small zoom in or out of their artwork to make it more visually interesting so I may try to do that in the future.

Next time I will add a few more progress videos into my showreel but overall, I like how my showreel came out! I believe that it showcases my work well and isn’t too long.



—Portfolio References—

When looking at concept art portfolios I found myself more drawn to the ones that showed the early sketches and ideations so I tried to emulate that in my portfolio for my ‘Halloween Night’ project.

ArtStation – ArtCenter Entertainment Design Fall Concept Track Fall 2021 Portfolio (Accepted), Daeun Min

ArtStation – Violinist, Hardy Fowler

ArtStation – Project Sylas – Splash Art League of Legends, Deiv Calviz (David Villegas)

ArtStation – Ninja, Megan Barnes

ArtStation – Portfolio 2022, Cesar Vergara


—Final Portfolio—

I decided that I would break my portfolio into sections for each character, backgrounds and animations. I selected some of my sketches and final designs to put in each section.

ArtStation – Nicole Thompson



—Profile Pictures, Banners & QR Codes—

When it came down to rebranding all of my socials and work I knew I wanted to theme it around my current project ‘Halloween Night’. I used Clementine as my icon/logo for profiles and the outline pattern from the back of my business card for any banners. I also stuck to purples and oranges as those are the colours used in my CV and Business Card.

I created a variety of profile pictures to add to my QR Codes and a few different styles of banners to fit all my different socials, so of which I didn’t use but may come in useful for other profiles down the line.



When it came to updating instagram I changed my profile picture to my new one. Now all I need to do is upload my newest work to my account and maybe create highlights on my profile for easier finding of my projects.



For Youtube, I updated my profile picture, added a new banner and uploaded my latest showreel. I also added my link tree to my bio.


—Other Socials—

Since I didn’t create any 3D models for this project I only changed my profile picture for Sketchfab.

For Artstation, I added one of the banners with my QR code, changed the profile picture and uploaded my latest work.



When it came time to adjust my Linktree, I knew I wanted to add a few more links like a direct link to my most recent showreel as well as past pitch decks. I also added my new profile picture and changed the colour to purple to match.



To conclude, I am happy with how my branding looks over all of my different accounts, my CV, showreel and business card. There are a few adjustments that I’m going to keep doing after this deadline but overall I’m happy with what I was able to achieve by the deadline.

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