Editing & Sound

Once all of our scenes were exported from Krita in the correct format, we shared our files ove OneDrive so that I would have easier access to Danielle’s scenes that I could download so that everything was gathered together and ready for editing but before I could edit everything together I had to replace some of the backgrounds with new renders as some of the angles of the backgrounds were wrong or were too small for the scene so I went back to Blender and rendered out everything I would need for the editing stage.

Now that all the animated scenes with transparent backgrounds and the newly rendered environment images were all in one place it was time to add everything into Premiere Pro which Alec had suggested that I used to edit our compilations during one of the feedback sessions from the tutors after a presentation. I had to look up a few tutorials on the basics of Premiere Pro as I did not have all that much experience with the system but I found a video by Storysium on Youtube which helped me grasp the key elements of the system that I would need for editing our short film together.


While I worked on editing together our short film we found a few frames of animation that needed to be tweaked or fixed due to a miss coloured part or a part of the character that was missing colour altogether so Danielle went through all the frames that I needed her to fix for me while I continued to edit our animation. Once Danielle had fixed the problem scenes, she sent them back to me over OneDrive which I then redownloaded and added to the animation. This helped me immensely as I could focus on the editing and not waste time going back and forth fixing small mistakes as we were running very close to the deadline at this stage.

While I worked on editing the animation together, Danielle gathered all the music and sound effects that we believed we would need for the short film from Youtube Audio Library and Adobe Stock which she then cut and edited on top of the finished cut of the film.


Final Animation

The video below is what Danielle and I submitted by the deadline for the major project and I could not be happier with the outcome. There are still a few fixes and tweaks to make but I am proud of what we have achieved by the deadline.

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