Nicole Picton

UX Designer


week 2

IXD301 – Week 02

Content Curation   This week we learnt all about content curation. Where content comes rom, what good content is, and how to properly organise content for the best outcome.   Where does content come from?   Content can be given… Continue Reading →

IXD301 – Week 02

Writing a CV and Cover Letter   This week we learnt about how to successfully write a CV and cover letter. I found this lecture to be very useful as I have never written a cover letter before, and haven’t… Continue Reading →

IXD103 – Week 03 – Type, Notes & Tasks

Type In this week’s lecture, Daniel taught us more about type, and how the tone of voice for our brand should be well reflected in our choice of typography. Type communicates a message where the originator is not able to… Continue Reading →

IXD103 – Week 02 Typography Moodboard

We were asked to make two moodboards showcasing some interesting typography that we found. For this, I combined images from the internet, along with some photographs I took myself. These are also a mixture of actual letters from some typefaces,… Continue Reading →

IXD103 – Week 02 Letters from Shapes Task

We were given the task of using circles, squares, and/or triangles to form the letters of our names. To get some sort of consistency, I chose to use only squares and triangles. I drew a few quick sketches out into… Continue Reading →

ixd102 – Week 2 – Gutenberg & Moveable Type

I decided to post my notes from ixd102 week two because I found this lecture very interesting. I personally really enjoy learning about the history of type, and knowing how things have progressed in the last few Centuries. I also… Continue Reading →

ixd101 – Weeks 1 & 2 – Point, Line, Plane

In weeks 1 and 2 we looked at three of the most simple forms that are a part of every design: Point, Line, Plane.   We then went onto Figma and created a 3×3 square grid for each of the… Continue Reading →

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