Nicole Picton

UX Designer


ixd 104 project 1

IXD104 – Travel App – Colour Progress

Researching colour Before deciding on which colours to play around with for my travel app, I looked up and thought about which colours most connote adventure, bravery, excitement and fun. I went onto to find some more detailed information… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Travel App (Week 06 Group Crit thoughts)

Group Critique Travel App – “Backpack Buddy” This week, we did a group critique and showed everyone the progress we have made on our three first travel app screens. Since I haven’t yet decided on a colour scheme for mine,… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Week 01 Icon Recreation (M-A Exercise)

Master-Apprentice Exercise This week we were asked to pick a few icons from two example sets and recreate them using Illustrator or Figma. This was to practice with the Master-Apprentice technique. I chose the torch and camera icons from the… Continue Reading →

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