UX Designer

Tag ixd 102

ixd102 – Webpage Essay Link

Here is the link to my final webpage essay entitled: “Stefan Sagmeister: Creative Genius, or Exhibitionist?”  

ixd102 – Webpage Essay Update

Following the critique I received from Kyle and Pauline, I made quite a few changes to my webpage essay before submitting. The first change that I made was adding my name to the top of the page: The next thing… Continue Reading →

ixd102 Week 5 – Typeface Specimen FINAL DESIGN

Below is my finalised typeface specimen design based on the Baskerville typeface.  

ixd102 – Webpage Essay

This is the link to my webpage essay as it stands on Github: https://nicolepicton.github.io/stefan_sagmeister/ For some reason this link won’t seem to work. This is the link to my files that are on Github https://github.com/nicolepicton/stefan_sagmeister   Here are some screenshots… Continue Reading →

ixd102 Webpage Essay Markup Update

For today’s tutorial we were asked to post a quick update of our web essay markup, so I have a screenshot of my HTML progress in Notepad ++, as well as how it looks when opened up in a webpage…. Continue Reading →

ixd102 – Pocket Profile – Paula Scher

Pocket Profile – Paula Scher. I grew an interest in Paula Scher’s work after our group presentation about the pioneers of postmodern design. Scher is an American graphic designer, painter, and educator in design. Many of her most well-known works… Continue Reading →

ixd102 – Week 2 – Gutenberg & Moveable Type

I decided to post my notes from ixd102 week two because I found this lecture very interesting. I personally really enjoy learning about the history of type, and knowing how things have progressed in the last few Centuries. I also… Continue Reading →

ixd102 – Pocket Profile – Vic Bell

Pocket Profile – Vic Bell. An illustrator, iconographer, and brand designer. Vic Bell has worked with well-known brands such as Uber, Scratch and Burberry. For these brands, she designed icons. Her icon art style is clean, simple and easily recognisable…. Continue Reading →

ixd 102 – Pocket Profile – Josef Muller-Brockman

Pocket Profile – Josef Müller-Brockman.   I decided to research about Muller-Brockman because of his interesting and clean poster designs. After hearing about his work and the International Typographic Style in week 7, I decided to investigate further as his… Continue Reading →

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