Group Critique


This week, we had a group critique on the current state of our immersive prototypes.

I tend to enjoy group critiques, (mostly because I am nosey and like to see everyone else’s work…) as I like receiving helpful feedback – both from Kyle and my peers.

I think it’s good to have a fresh set of eyes to look at your work and let you know what they think works or doesn’t work.


We were given a link to a Miro board, and told to post the links to our prototypes.

The class then wrote feedback on sticky notes as Kyle verbally told us his thoughts.

The feedback I got was very positive! However, it was suggested that I maybe change the typeface used on the opening screen, as well as considering the addition of a navigation somewhere.


Here is a screenshot of my peer feedback:



I plan to do my best to take their suggestions on board, and make the necessary changes to improve my immersive prototype.