Major Project Week 9 – 2D Workshop

Tutorial Talk and 2D Workshop

This week we started the morning with Dan Wilson on After Effects with the volcano effect for the first session and learning new techniques on after effects with layers, colours and the effects of it making it look animated. It was a fun activity and gave me ideas for our hybrid animation for our main project this session which I introduced the idea to my group after the morning session as were aiming to use Blender for both the 3D and 2D. Below is the picture of the volcano that Dan sent us in photoshop, and the next one shows the camera angle and layers we learnt about which I haven’t known about using tools that are new to me and finally made a video of it for this exercise. 

The afternoon session was our tutorial time with Aodhan, for my progress was the fixing of the final design of character sheets which I almost done and my next target goal was for making a list of sound that will be used for the project which I would help Sarah when she is redoing the animatic so we could input the sound to match with the scene. Aodhan made some pointers on my w.i.p.s of the final designs and the scare o meter which I did for the boy’s face from 0% to 100%. For the boy for his final design he told me to watch out for the arms, so they are both the same length and are done and coloured this week before next Tuesday. This talk gave me time to make sure I wouldn’t be doing what I had done for the pre production week so I wouldn’t make the same mistake again. 


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