Major Project- Experimentation Week 5

This weeks lecture involves the experimentation and ideation of animation which Henry went over for Tuesdays class. He talked during the lecture about:

– Defining Pipelines
– Research
– Reference!
– Identifying methods and processes
– To achieve art style
– Learning & Developing techniques and skills
– Identifying risks
– Strategic Planning
– Identifying and Developing resources
– Recycling resources


Key element for visual legibility
β€’ Contrast is achieved in different approach
β€’ Some overlap
β€’ Independent factors


β€’ Colour Theory & Psychology
β€’ B&W
β€’ RGB = 100
β€’ Indication of saturation and luminosity
β€’ R = 30, G = 59, B = 11, Y = 89, C = 70, M = 41
β€’ Vibrance Saturation
β€’ Perceived Brightness

Composition, Lighting, Storytelling, Framing, Leading lines, Contrast, Shape Language, Repetition, Level of Detail, Scale and Dynamism.

3D vs 2D

β€’ Identify your Tools
β€’ Weaknesses / Limitations
β€’ Strengths / Efficiency
β€’ You have experience in both – Use it!
β€’ Do not discard an ideas because a complex technical
β€’ Research
β€’ Ideate and Experiment
β€’ Find solutions
β€’ Work non-destructively
β€’ Don’t be intimidated by procedural workflows
β€’ Don’t be intimidated by node-based systems
β€’ Feedback – Adjust – Feedback – Adjust – Results
β€’ Keep learning

Resources and Advice

β€’ YouTube
β€’ Community Forums
β€’ Other Social Media
β–« Twitter / X
β–« Facebook
β–« LinkedIn
β–« Art station Portfolios and resources
β€’ Documentation and Sample Files
ο‚– Reverse Engineer Sample Files
β€’ Libraries and Recyclable assets
ο‚– Build your Libraries 2D and 3D
ο‚– Learn to build Custom Brushes
ο‚– Understand Masks & different types of texture maps

Resources & Advice
β€’ Build simple projects with block outs and
premade assets and test!
β€’ Don’t be afraid of Software. It’s just a tool
β€’ Understand the pipeline
β–« Embrace Ambiguity in the early stages
β–« Adapt to ambiguities and investigate


β€’ Find Solutions
β–« Even if it means using different mediums (3D
and 2D)
β–« Always go back to the script and consider the
end goal.

This weeks class had recapped the things I already know but the importance from each one to help with my major project since my team and I are going for a type of hybrid animation. Communication is vital and gaining our resources for experimentation with the 2D and 3D animation. For this week I took time with my group on character design, collecting more references and working on the storyboards with Sarah’s script. I took this time to gather some movies and short films with the best jump scares to add into our short film which involves amount of suspense and jump scares which would make the audience shake with fear as I had to narrow down the inspirations for our four minute short film and out them on our Miro. There it took some time but I managed it quite well picking the ones I knew and what others on YouTube think are the best jump scares to fit within our script of the story.Β 

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