During week 3 the design a world groups were shuffled, I moved from group 1 to group 2, their idea is a world with mushroom people falling into a crystal dimension. I enjoyed the change of pace that this new world gave. We were tasked with designing 6 new thumbnails and to choose one to expand and add more detail to. We also had to design some new characters for the world.

Six Thumbnails

First I looked at some images from the internet to give me some inspiration; the world consists of a forest with mushrooms and a crystal cave.


Initial sketches

I started by quickly sketching different thumbnail designs.

The six thumbnails

Here are my thumbnails.

I am proud of the tone and depth I was able to achieve and am really happy with the lighting in the sixth thumbnail.


Large illustration of thumbnail

After doing the six thumbnails we had to enlarge one and add more detail. I chose to do the first thumbnail.

While working on this piece I mainly referenced trees and fairy houses that I thought had strong silhouettes.



What I did was use my smaller thumbnail as a base and draw over the top of it adding more detail to the trees, houses and the grass.

Finished large illustration

I really like this piece, I proud of the lighting and the amount of detail I added, I think the grass turned out well and the glowing mushrooms give a more magical feel to the drawing. If I did this piece again I would change the sky as it blends with the tones of the trees.


Character design

I looked on the internet for some interesting looking mushrooms to inspire my designs

Initial sketches of the characters

These were my rough ideas for the characters.


Here are the characters I designs for the mushroom world.

The first design is based off of the Veiled Lady mushroom, I really like her design as it is simple yet elegant. I am very proud of the veil pattern and shape. However I don’t think she will fit in as the mushroom people are supposed to friendly and less creepy.


This one is bases off of the Puffball mushroom. I also am happy with his design, he looks angry but friendly. I wanted him to look like a warrior or a guard so I designed armour using a conker as a reference as this would be found in the woods. His weapon is also a conker, once he hits something too hard the conker will break and he will have to make a new mace.

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