This week we had a studies advice talk with Mike and got feedback on our current work for our major project.
- Add Gumball juggling in the background when Lollipop is stealing the attention of the kids
- Add an establishing shot of Lollipop powering on
- Make Lollipop look smug when Gumball looks mad
- When Gumball picks up the picture, track it up to his face
- Instead ofmaking the characters move in the Texas standoff shot, make the camera pan
- Hold the shot of the kid about to cry a little longer before a waterfall of tears spill out of the kid’s eyes
- Rearrange the end scenes to make Gumball and Lollipop become friends before the camera takes their picture
Nicole made the necessary changes to the storyboards. I edited the animatic to match the improved storyboards. I also found a tune which suits the animation, I have roughly added it to the animatic.
(My work)
I also created a quick, rough animation of Gumball entering, I think I could have made him stretchier.
(My work)
Nicole has also created a toon shader for the 3D background props, she has added the lines however the shading is not complete yet.
(Nicole’s work)