To start off week 1 we had to pick three of our favourite animated cartoon characters and break them down into their simple shapes, this was done to help us understand their forms. To do this we had to trace the characters and use simple shapes like cylinders and rectangles to show their form.
I chose to look at Marceline from the TV show ‘Adventure Time’, Ford Pines from the show ‘Gravity Falls’ and Coraline Jones from the animated movie ‘Coraline’. The characters main forms are outlined in black and blue, their accessories or hair are in red.
This was my half way stage of the process as I had just finished drawing around the bodies, already the shapes look like the characters which shows how iconic the characters are and that they have a strong silhouette.
I am pleased with the outcome as I really understand how these characters are made and how their shapes move. This will be useful later when designing my own characters as it will not only help me understand them more it will also help me see if their silhouettes are different enough to tell different characters apart.