Year: 2021

IXD301 – Designing on Webflow

Before I start creating my website I have to create a few things to help make the process of building a website less sophisticated and more efficient. Thankfully, I have recently made a brand/style guideline for my website. I am using a lot of the material from last year such as colour scheme, typography and…Continue Reading IXD301 – Designing on Webflow

IXD301 – Instagram Task

For week 6, we learned all about promotional strategy and discussed things such as social storytelling. This brings us to our current task that Kyle has set for us which is to showcase our portfolio website on Instagram through stories and a post. Creating the story When creating an Instagram story I need to create…Continue Reading IXD301 – Instagram Task

IXD301 – Digitising Wireframes for The Element Project

With any project it is important for me to get a clear and straight understanding of the product that I am designing, for me, this means creating digital mock-ups or in this case digital wireframes to clarify each design choice of my interface is justifiable and reasonable. Colour Codes Turquoise – Elemental Backdrop Pink –…Continue Reading IXD301 – Digitising Wireframes for The Element Project

IXD301 – Elemental Symbolism & Character Development Moodboard – Pinterest

For my intended app, there is a big emphasis on the attributes and symbolic references of my characters meaning they will be all symbolic in everyday human-made objects e.g. helium = balloon. In order to present a visual representation of my ideas towards a certain element, I will be creating mood boards of each individual…Continue Reading IXD301 – Elemental Symbolism & Character Development Moodboard – Pinterest

IXD301 – Element Exhibit at Ulster Museum

In week 7 one of our tasks was to explore the recently composed elemental exhibit located on the third floor of the Ulster Museum beside Botanic. I decided to go to check it out as it could give me some ideas or extra knowledge about my project and the periodic table.     Despite coming…Continue Reading IXD301 – Element Exhibit at Ulster Museum

IXD301 – Element Project Idea Generation – Brainstorming & Mind Mapping Ideas

Optional Choice Teenagers or Children? What have I picked Children? I have stood on this question for a short while – figuring what pathways I could take for either children or teenagers. Since Kyle announced this deliverable, I have been swaying towards creating this project for children as it can be seen by me as…Continue Reading IXD301 – Element Project Idea Generation – Brainstorming & Mind Mapping Ideas

IXD301 – Developing & Sketches Elemental Characters

For creating my elemental characters, I drew up a bunch of weird and unique bodies shapes then drew a diverse range of facial expressions on a spectrum from happy to angry. This was to make the decision process much faster as it allowed me to reference each choice and see if they work with that…Continue Reading IXD301 – Developing & Sketches Elemental Characters

IXD301 – Periodic Table Task

To begin our elements project we were given the task of organising and structuring raw text correlating to the periodic table into a spreadsheet to seek a collective relationship with one another. Kyle also included three articles where we can begin our research and dismantle what the raw text means. The raw text: H Hydrogen…Continue Reading IXD301 – Periodic Table Task

IXD302 – Defining My Value as a UX designer Article Review

Defining your value as a UX designer UX design is a highly competitive field, and with the abundance of junior designers eager to get into the field, many at one point will begin to question their potential for success based on their education or experience levels compared to their peers. Luis Berumen Castro, a senior…Continue Reading IXD302 – Defining My Value as a UX designer Article Review

IXD301 – App Inspiration – Dumb Ways to Die

Dumb Ways to Die What is it? Dumb Ways to Die is an extremely popular and successful mobile app that lead a public campaign to spread awareness on train safety. It exploded in popularity with young adults and children during the early 2010s. Additionally, it included a catchy song that quickly rose in popularity due…Continue Reading IXD301 – App Inspiration – Dumb Ways to Die