Month: March 2021

#IXD103 Week 6 – Application

In this class we look into implementing our brand onto a variety of different applications such as: Business Card Social Media Adverts Banners Website Email Signature HTML Email Campaigns Portfolio Packaging Studio Corporate Gifts Apparel – Clothing Merchandise Literature – brochures, posters Presentations / Prototypes App Sponsorship Food Vehicles What did I learn? In this…Continue Reading #IXD103 Week 6 – Application

#IXD104 – Critique Session & Changes

In week 6 we had a critique session where Paul and fellow classmates would critique and assess each others work by looking at our progression of three screenshots so far. I received excellent feedback with few critiques. This session was helpful to see where I am achieving and where I am lacking. The class offered…Continue Reading #IXD104 – Critique Session & Changes

#IXD104 – Sketches & Basic Wireframes

I started with a mind map mapping all the features that my interface can contain through previous analysation and research of travel apps. I then divided each content to different pages on what they may contain.       Wireframe Sketches   I enjoyed doing this as it allowed me to visually capture all my…Continue Reading #IXD104 – Sketches & Basic Wireframes

#IXD103 Week 5 – Colour

Colour Systems Pantone Started in New Jersey in 1950 for a commercial printing company, Pantone is now a global colour matching system which allows designers to colour match specific predetermined colours and achieve the exact tone regardless if the method of production. This is great for company brands as it will ensure that their chosen…Continue Reading #IXD103 Week 5 – Colour

#IXD104 – Illustration in UX Design

Illustrations in UX design provide all sorts of benefits and by looking at a blog post by Bhaghya Babu she explains what impact this has. When a potential costumer glances at your app the first thing is the visuals. Like in real life people often resort to judging (positive or negative) at first glance based…Continue Reading #IXD104 – Illustration in UX Design

#IXD104 Week 8

“Infographics help fill the gap between words and pictures.” – Edward Tufte “Information graphics – or infographics – are graphic representations of information, data or knowledge designed to present information quickly and clearly.” Infographics are a great way to display a short burst of typographically filled with illustrations and diagrams. This makes it easier for…Continue Reading #IXD104 Week 8

#IXD104 – Art in Action

“A picture is worth a thousand words” It holds no doubt that humans are programmed to learn faster through visual means than type. Humans get more pleasure by looking at visual images of different colour, shapes and designs than to read paragraphs upon paragraphs of written word. This is specially import for me in UX/UI…Continue Reading #IXD104 – Art in Action