Today we talked in our groups about any developments we made to our world, and began assigning colours. We found most of us used blues/ purples for the Alien environmental colours, like grass and trees, light blue for the glowing trees and a variation of reds, pinks, purples, and magentas for the mushrooms.

some people joined our group so it now consists of, Amy, Me, Cor, Karl, Kris, Shane, and Val. I don’t know if Marcin was in or if he moved groups but I didn’t see him.

We went on a scavenger hunt to take some pictures that had a set colour scheme, such as monochrome, analogous, complementary, and or triadic.

What we found for Monochrome:

What we found for Analogous:

What we found for Complementary:

And what we found for Triadic:

We then had to create 5 colour pallets from our world. We focused on the main objects of the world and what colour they would be, such as environment colours, alien colours, what colour the moose would be etc.

The colour pallets we settled on where that:

The world would be shades of blues, and purples, with the occasional pinks if there was unnatural light, but vibrant light blues if the light was natural i.e. from the glowing trees.

The aliens would all have a skin colour that was a any shade of green, we don’t want them to be indistinguishable so we kept this shade range rather large being ANY shade of green, but it does have to be green, not teal, or turquoise, or chartreuse.

The moose would be shades of red and or brown, very warm, but also intimidating colours, they are to be viewed as the antagonist in the world until the very end where the lights will turn on warming up their colour and showing them as the host.

The mushrooms, are going to be magentas and bright pinks and purples to have them really stand out, we want them to look dangerous, even though they are not, they will be used as a shook tactic for when the spikey vines, (that match the environmental colours of blues and purples) lash out and attack. so the mushrooms being such a contrasting colour will be used to subvert expectations.

The floating water wont really be included in too many peoples part of the animation, as it is only seen if you are traversing between the islands, but we just wanted it to be shade of blue very normal, so we could play around with creatures that would live in the water, and possibly have them being bioluminescent, or just a very bright pop of colour that would add some interest to the water. So in order for the water to not be too much visually we wanted to keep the actual water pretty tame.

We then used the colour pallets to colour one of the sketches we had already done for a thumbnail.

This is what I did, and I am really happy with how it turned out. All of my group seemed to really like it, and the lecturer said it had a good sense of depth and that the colours where very good together.

For homework we will be working on characters, so we get to develop the aliens we already kind of had a little bit of an idea for, but this could also lead to us changing our ideas and having an even better alien design so I’m looking forward to it.

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