Fox animation 

Above link is a document compiling all the information and progress throughout this project along with an in depth explanation to my choices made throughout.

Artist research, Writing and animation research can also be found in this document. 

Above link directs you to a YouTube playlist showing the progress of the animation and the final video. (individual links for all videos can be found in the document along with an analysis or explanation to my choices or my experience as I was working on that specific scene.)


Overall I found this project very fun and rewarding, Although I had a few difficulties throughout I am still very satisfied with the result. My biggest issue throughout and especially at the end was handling time, I struggled telling how long a specific seen should or would last meaning I added in a lot of scenes expecting them to only be a second or two long when in reality they may have been up to 10 seconds long, this means I did go over the 30 second mark by a lot and I I didn’t spend as much time on the final few scenes as I could have if I managed my time better.


I also struggled finding references for the animations and had to take a few videos myself to accurately portray the moments I wanted. Looking to make the process smoother and easier I would spend more time on the planning phase and show a bit more constraint when adding in new scenes, this would help with the hesitation of starting a new scene and would limit how much additional content I could add meaning it would be easier to stick to a specific time length.


Although I did encounter quite a lot of problems I  think I was able to competently tackle most of them and was able to include a good amount of techniques I had never used before and some difficult movements. The most difficult technique I tried was moving the background to make a character appear to be moving as it required a lot of timing precision and even when I did complete it I found it difficult to recognize if the movement was acceptable by myself.


Along with timing struggles I also found it hard to depict movement as scenes without showing the whole body or motion, this made animating more time consuming. I think with further knowledge on framing and cinematography I could improve this and hopefully be able to utilize short cuts a lot more to keep a high quality of work without having to spend hours on one scene.


The following are two videos I recorded of my cats to get a reference for a specific movement (cub jumping out of the den):

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