Category: Movement

Graphic Design- Vinyl Project

For this project i had created a moving Vinyl using Adobe After Effects software. This Vinyl is representing all work thats currently in my sketchbook and also typography books. Personally i thought that using my lino prints would work well and it also helped experiment further with my design ideas for my final poster. This Vinyl is quite quick and sharp when the images are changing and i also included audio that consists of old radio sounds, which i think works well. There are so many different elements that i was able to include as there is an effect that really stood out to me called the difference effect, which makes the type/text in the Vinyl appear more vivid in colour and contrasts really well together. I also included type in the center of the Vinyl which i’ve called it ONLY LYNO and also inculded 05 which represents May the month that we are currently in. Overall, i’m very pleased with the outcome.

Graphic Design- Moving Poster

For this project i had created a couple of moving posters using After Effects software. These moving posters are based on my experimental lino prints from my sketchbook and typography books. Personally i found that creating the moving posters were quite challenging as all my work within my sketchbook is based on lino prints, which are considered as images. Although it was quite interesting in finding many ways to make these images move and to create a pattern on movement.


Graphic Design- After Effects

Here I completed a workshop using Adobe After Effects. In this workshop i had experimented with a few different elements which included Scale, Position and Rotation. Firstly, i had chosen a shape and colour then added those effects onto that shape, which then created different motions and movements. As time went on i had gained confidence to then add other effects that would create a smoother and better transition. This workshop mainly focused on practising and being able to understand this software as i will be using After Effects when creating my final poster.