Category: graphics

Graphic Design- Digital Experimentation

Here are a series of digital experimental designs using an app called figma. i’ve incorporated research of words that are associated with my chosen theme of Belfast. i’d researched about the historical architectural buildings and structures including: Titanic Quarter and the Harland & Wolff cranes, then used those words to create an image or abstract collages. With these designs i would like to experiment further by either printing them or cutting them up and to create other designs or images.


Graphic Design- First-Hand Research

Here i’ve gathered first-hand visual research of different typographic lettering, numbers, symbols, text and images. I’ve also photographed a few architectural buildings and structures as I think it would be interesting to combine both together.




Graphic Design – GIF

Here I’ve created a GIF using my 12 chosen designs.                                  I really like the outcome as I think this is a nice way to present or create some form of showcase of all work and designs.                         I’ve found that  using the GIF maker website was straight forward as this would be something that I would like to attempt again.


Graphic Design – digital graphic language designs

These are my digital versions of my graphic language sketches. I had chosen my preferred 12 out of 48 and experimented using colour on one half, then keeping black and white on the other. I really enjoyed creating these designs especially digitally as there are so many different aspects on how to create each element.

Glyph Design                                                         Grid Design

Layer Design                                                        Modular Design

Random Design                                                 Random Design

Ratio Design                                                      Type Design

Type Design                                                      Balance Design

Balance Design                                                  Fold Design


Graphic Design – graphic language

These are a series of graphic language design ideas that’s based on different elements such as: shape, balance, rhythm, glyph, type etc, which I have turned into small initial sketches influenced by their name. I’d decided to keep the sketches black and white, then experiment with colour when designing these elements digitally.




Jamie Reid’s Art Exhibition – observation sketches

Whilst visiting the Taking Liberties exhibition I had created a series of quick observation sketches of the artists work along the way. Within these sketches I had just included a few individual pieces that I had taking great interest in and I had also taking consideration of the space surrounding and layout of their work, as the artist had a great display.



Art Exhibition – Jamie Reid

Here I had visited Jamie Reid’s Taking Liberties art exhibition which is based on features posters, banners, drawings and collages designed by Jamie Reid with the express purpose of viscerally grabbing the public’s attention, increasing awareness of campaigns for social justice from the 1970s to today – against the Poll Tax, English heritage and colonialism, Clause 28 and the Criminal Justice Bill and promoting the work of Occupy London and Extinction Rebellion.