Category: Animation

Animation – Digital 2D/3D software

For this workshop I had created two moving animated designs using a website called krita. One was based on just a ball moving back and forth and the second one was to create a bouncing ball.



Graphic Design – graphic language

These are a series of graphic language design ideas that’s based on different elements such as: shape, balance, rhythm, glyph, type etc, which I have turned into small initial sketches influenced by their name. I’d decided to keep the sketches black and white, then experiment with colour when designing these elements digitally.




Art Exhibition – Jamie Reid

Here I had visited Jamie Reid’s Taking Liberties art exhibition which is based on features posters, banners, drawings and collages designed by Jamie Reid with the express purpose of viscerally grabbing the public’s attention, increasing awareness of campaigns for social justice from the 1970s to today – against the Poll Tax, English heritage and colonialism, Clause 28 and the Criminal Justice Bill and promoting the work of Occupy London and Extinction Rebellion.