Week 9 – Animatics & Secondary Actions


In week 9 talking with our group we started the new preparation of the animatic. With some changes our group had more member with the new character in our animation (a spider) that has the role to fight with the dinosaurs in the animation.

Already having all the storyboards ready and some of the characters also we started the preparations of the animatic that each one has its part in the scenes. Also after I made the animatic I showed it to Alec and he gave some evaluations that helped a lot which were about the perception with the differences of character sizes and background that make a lot of difference in the animation.




After I made my animatic one of our group Daniel made the addition of putting all the scenes that each one of the group made together to make a complete animatic. Talking with our group, we decided to change some scenes and add to be more dynamic the connection of each scene because the animatic is not connecting much.




In the process of getting to know how would be the movements of the dinosaur I made some simple animatic to have a small notion of how would be the movements of the characters, in this step I made simple drawings to see if the frame and the times of the movements would be well in the final animation.

To practice I used some simple movements to get some practice in animation with the krita software. In this practice I made a simple movement of a dinosaur flying in an animation without a background and with a background and after a dinosaur that has legs to walk to get a sense of how the dinosaur would be walking.





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