
With this module I was able to learn about a new subject that I already knew about, but not a lot, but with a lot of research and reading I was able to improve my knowledge in this article on “How YouTube’s algorithm influences the evolution of animation production on the Internet”.
Our group was made up of five people who each had their own part to talk about to make it easier for us on the day of our presentation. To start researching, I had to look at a lot of websites/articles so that I could better understand the points of this article. To help me with the easy part, I tried to watch videos on YouTube that showed me in practice how the algorithm works with each subject that I researched on the digital platform, such as Youtube, TikTok, Google and Instagram. In my research with my group, this subject wasn’t too complicated when it came to searching for information on article sites that were safe to use, but at times too much information made my mind a little tired because there was so much information involved in just one article.
Our group didn’t have many doubts about making this presentation at first, we had a good communication about what each person was going to talk about in the presentation and what topics we thought would be good for the group.
Throughout the process I had a lot of doubts at first and some challenges where it was about English because it wasn’t my first language so in most of the articles I had to translate and revise more than once to understand and know what I was saying in the slides, at every moment I had challenges for this reason but with a little clamour and a LOT of research I managed to understand a little and start my main notes for this first time.

Mastering the YouTube Algorithm to Grow Your Channel in 2024: Complete Guide

In the meantime, all of this taught me to organise myself in terms of information and of course the parts about our article on How YouTube’s algorithm influences the evolution of animation production on the Internet. With this article I was able to understand the points that man created this digital mechanism for the public. the algorithm is often both good and bad, as the saying goes (everything that is good can also be bad). The algorithm does help studies and researchers to always make it easier to search, because once it has been searched it will almost always be shown again, and over time this can be harmful because it is addictive to society, but for animators it’s a strong point to show their work and projects that are often rejected or undervalued by companies, but also on other sides to be able to open doors for animators who want to start a company or also grow with the help of this YouTube platform and many others.


YouTube brings high-quality 1080p option to the web | TechCrunch


With this assignment I learnt and got much more information about the world of Animation with the evolution of the Youtube Algorithm, certainly if I had more time I would improve myself in the subject but with the short time I managed to learn a lot and I hope this helps me more in the theoretical part of the world of Animation.


Positive Influence: YouTuber Jaiden Animations Gives Back | Animation  Magazine


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