Run Cycles Animation (Week 4)

2D Run Cycle:

In week 4 I did exercises where I tried to practise a bit more the ways of running with the 2D part where I had a lot of difficulty with the character’s movements but to help me I watched some tutorials where it helped me.For reference, I used a few guides on Google, which were images that served very well as a reference and guide to better understand how the leg movements worked.




To make it running I tried to make it in a cartoon style with the few skills I have, but I still used the book The Animator’s Survival Kit where I read a lot to understand a bit more about the frames, which was the part I had difficulty with not only in 2D but also in 3D.


3D Run Cycle:


As for running in 3D, I only used the book as a guide, I tried to use some tutorials but I found it very difficult to understand the movements that were being made, thus making SNOW much more robotic and not so smooth. At first I used a reference that helped a lot, which was sent to the class, and then I changed to another item that also helped me a lot to make the running movement. At first, I had a lot of problems with the order of the frames, which always made them move smoothly and in sequence.





Reference & Tutorial:


How to help myself I then used some tutorials to help me and also some websites that were of GREAT HELP in the process of making animation, I had some doubts that were solved through videos but even so there were specific points in the frames that I still had a bit of trouble with.




With the tutorial I was able to understand some parts that helped with the running animation but to be honest with the graph part of the animation I couldn’t understand it very well! Leaving me a little confused.



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