Anatomy, Blocking & Sculpt:



At the beginning of the class we had some explanations about Anatomy and sculpt, in this process I also did a little research to help me so I found some video tutorials that were a great help! With the anatomy part I had a lot of doubts about the parts of identifying each point, for example points on the face; I intend to study this part of anatomy a little more deeply to help me in my work of drawing and sculpting characters.



Tutorial :


Zbrush Sculpting:

After doing some research I made a basic modelling to help me understand how to use Zbrush and then a small sculpt of a face making a few more details to test the brushes.  I also did a little manipulation in Zbrush, which was to practise a little how to manipulate.



For the sculpt I enjoyed doing it and practising, but as it was my first time using Zbrush I had some problems at first with the basic commands, but with the help of the tutorials that were sent to us as help I was able to understand and do some jobs more easily.In the process of practising Zbrush, I made a small model of a Mario mushroom, where I tried to make a model and also use some bush to understand how to use it.



Then I made a manipulation of a dog’s body and a man’s head where we had to put them together and in the process I managed to understand the new command of putting the two objects together.




Blocking out :

To start the ‘Blocking Out’ part, I began by using a guide image to get an idea of how I was going to make the character’s body, my intention was to start making the top part and then start making the bottom part, which will be the petals.





Making the petals:

To work on the petal part I started by modeling them, at first I had the idea of sculpting but I had a lot of problems and delays so to make it easier I tried to look for different ways to do the petal making part. In my research, I managed to find some tutorials showing how to prepare different styles of petals using the modeling technique. To make it quicker, I modeled my character’s petals and then sculpted the details to give them more detail.








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