Category: DESIGN [2D Digital Design]

Protest presentation

For this project we were put into groups and I worked with Jodi, Erin and myself. We had looked at many ideas and paths that we could take with this protest but in the end we chose to look at abortions because it is a highly controversial subject and we felt like it was a really important thing to look at. Whilst we were in our groups we decided on what slides we should create and we got to work. It was a collaborative effort and in the end we created an powerpoint which we all agreed on.

These were the posters that Jodi and Erin designed for the protest.

Abortion protest



For this workshop we were with Pauline and we were working with compound words which meant that we had to make and think of compound words and turn them into small thumbnails which later we will turn into a final product on procreate or figma. I actually really enjoyed this part of the class and had many ideas for what I could make.

In the end I picked my final four word which were hell-cat, star-fish, blue-bell and dead-line. These were the ones that I felt like could come out as the most interesting final pieces. So I drew the final products on procreate and decided to keep the simple graphic design aspect that I had learnt for the last class because it fitted really well with all the compound words. I would definitely do this again and that is why I ended picking it for my two final workshops.

Interactive design

For this workshop we had an introduction to the interaction and design course which was very interesting, but I was not really interested in this path because I never felt like designing apps and websites was interesting enough for me. I was still very determined to try my hardest to enjoy the class and give it my all. We had to pull our themes from a hat and our group got the words “law+action+online+students” it was pretty difficult to come up with an initial idea but then we came up with plagiarism prevention pal.

Plagiarism prevention pal was a chrome extension that helped students mark their essays and add references to their essays. The extension points out the references, plagiarism etc. It also had 3 tabs which were Harvard referencing, advice and sources which helped students bring up their grades. It was all monitored by a traffic light system which was easy to understand and highlighted the issues with the piece of work. Overall, I did enjoy this class but I do not feel like this is something that I would enjoy to do in the future because it does not let me express my creativity in a way that is fun for me.

Graphic design

For the first day of our graphic design class with Pauline we had to design simple thumbnails for different words. We had to come up with the thumbnail ourselves and let the words given to us inspire us. We had two design two different ideas for each word. I chose a 3-colour pallet so that I could keep a running them and that all the thumbnails could look like they were part of a collection. Out of these thumbnails my favourites had to be the fortune cookie design for the word fold, the ratio diagram for ratio, the wave stich pattern for the word pattern.

Out of these designs my favourites were the string design for layer because the simplistic string design didn’t over crowd the overall piece and also kept to the original graphic design style. The combination of random shapes for the word random really created a fun and playful vibe to the whole piece. The modular cat for the word modular really made me consider adding an object to these thumbnails, I liked the abstract and simple cat shape to the mix and I really enjoyed making it.

We then had to choose the top 12 designs and create them digitally. You were allowed to use figma or procreate and I used procreate because I felt like it was easier and let me have more creative freedom. I really enjoyed this class and would definitely love to do it again because I feel like this is something I could do in the future.