Fine Art Sculpture/Lens

For this sculpture and lens workshop we started by creating mind maps with different words. This helped us to create a main idea of what we wanted to base our video on I went with two idea one was daydream and the other was messy. I wanted to create a clip that told you nothing and everything. It really was up to the viewer to decide on what the projection meant, if it even meant anything at all. This exercise was very useful and I have decided to use this kind of planning when starting any artwork because it really expanded the ideas that you could explore.

Jodie with blank book 

Jodie with book

Nintendo DS

These were the first videos that I had taken of my subject opening a book and it was supposed to transition into a blank book. This was the idea for the prompt “Daydream”. I also took a video outside displaying the subject closing a DS, this was supposed to represent procrastination. I had not edited the videos because shortly after I filmed the splattering of paint on the mannequin and immediately knew where I was going with my projection.

wiping the paint

Paint splattering

Final Projection

I had the idea to just overlay the videos and make one of them more transparent that the other so that it would look like someone was simultaneously cleaning and painting the mannequin. I loved the effect that this had and I knew that I had created the projection that I wanted to use.

When I started thinking of concepts for the actual projection item, I wanted to create a shape of a torso. The only problem was that I had to think of a way to make it unique and eye-catching. I asked myself “what could I add to make the projected video more distorted and interesting?” so I started to sculpt of the mannequins body and I decided to just leave the stomach section cut out and then I made some fake flowers out of coloured cellophane. I also wanted to have the heart symbolised in this piece so I had many zip ties poking out of the right side of the chest. I splattered paint on the chest areas to give it more dimension.

I was not able to add in the video of the final outcome because the file size was too large so I will email it to you directly.

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