Final Artwork Project

First we had used the same technique as before from the Fine art Sculpture/lens workshop where we wrote down a words and created a large mind map planning out ideas. I wanted to go with the style of a gothic or dark painting and thought what the paining meant to me and what would the meaning behind it be. I came up with many ideas but I ended up going with a portrait and initially it was going to be a projection but I had changed it into an installation piece.

I drew out some quick sketches of ideas that I had, I was suggested to do something that was to literate because the painting was not supposed to be ultra realistic, this was challenging since I loved painting detailed portraits with intricate drawings. I settled on just painting of a mouth with some eyes around it. I wanted the background to stand out a bit more so I created a black dripping effect with some water and black paint. You can see the refrence pictures that were used in the process of creating this piece.

The meaning and name behind this piece is listed here:

“The Unspoken truths”


Do you ever feel like there are somethings that you cannot say? Whether it is because you are scared to be judged, worried that the words you say will travel to unwanted ears or if you’re conscious of your words manifesting into reality.

This painting is all about the webs of words and lies that you can catch yourself in. I always used my words and the way I spoke as a sort of barrier so that no one would be able to get close enough to hurt me. That’s what the red strings traveling from the mouth mean, they are the webs that can get tangled, and you can even catch yourself in a lie.

This piece is representing my hurt and anguish whilst I do through everyday life, the strings that trip me and others up, the eyes in the painting that keep me in line and judge me when I fail. Even if I tell myself that they aren’t real, no matter how many strings I attach to them, they never really fade away.

I named this piece “The Unspoken truths” because all the strings, messy and chaotic brush strokes and the barrier between me and the painting are all made of lies and false fantasies. None of the hurtful thing I say to myself I mean, yet I still say them. Not one of the truths I keep are spoken, yet I want them to be heard. I just barricade myself in my own lies.

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