Week 3- 3D Animation Style Inspiration

For our Animated Narratives module, one part of our project that we were recommended after our Pitch Presentation was to show existing media such as movies, shows or games that have given us inspiration for our animation idea.  Here are a few examples I had in mind when creating the idea for our art style. Continue reading Week 3- 3D Animation Style Inspiration

Week 2- Dust Bunnies Storyboards

his week for our Animated Narratives module, we had moved on to further developing our animation ideas through drawing up storyboards for our narrative, which we will then share with our groups and compile together into a complete storyboard.  My process for storyboarding starts with writing out a Shot List for a scene, detailing theContinue reading Week 2- Dust Bunnies Storyboards

Group Animation Project- Dust Bunnies Progress Post 1

For our Animated Narratives module in our Animation course, our main assignment that we are going to be working on is a 30 second 3D animation done in groups of around 5 people. The purpose of this module is to further improve our teamwork skills, our 3D animation skills, our abilities to work under certainContinue reading Group Animation Project- Dust Bunnies Progress Post 1

Week 1- 3D Ball Bounce Animation Homework

This week for our Animated Narratives module, we were tasked with learning our to create three separate ball bouncing animations in Blender similar to out Animation Studio module when we did the same task in 2D.  Using my previous work as a reference, I had created animations for three different types of balls, that beingContinue reading Week 1- 3D Ball Bounce Animation Homework

Week 1- Animated Narratives 3D Animation Practice

This week, we started our second semester in our Animation course with our Animated Narratives module. This module so far seems to blend both learning the narrative storytelling devices with the 3D modelling skills we had learned in the previous semester to create full 3D animations. Below is an animation test I had done inContinue reading Week 1- Animated Narratives 3D Animation Practice

Assignment 2- 200 Word Reflection

This is my 200 word reflection post on Assignment 2 in our 3D Digital Literacy module.  To start, I found this assignment to be creatively appealing and a good challenge to my 3D modelling skills, also giving a good opportunity to learn the valuable skill of working within different art styles as an animator, namely GenndyContinue reading Assignment 2- 200 Word Reflection

Group 7- Completed Animation + Work in Progress versions

Below is the completed animation I had created for my segment in Group 7 for our Animation Studio Module which I have already uploaded for the submission.  Additionally, below are some work in progress versions of the animation to show my process, including the in betweens for the animation and the coloured stages. Final Animation-Continue reading Group 7- Completed Animation + Work in Progress versions

Assignment 2- Textured Prop Model

Below is my Assignment 2 prop model fully textured in Substance 3D Painter. Additionally, I have also included images of the stickers seen on the suitcase which had been drawn in Krita.  They include simple shapes to save on time, including two that resemble devil horns and an angel’s halo, but also feature stickers depictingContinue reading Assignment 2- Textured Prop Model