IXD104 Image & Data Visualisation – Final Submission

IXD104 – Image & Data Visualisation

Below is a list of links that will take you to the research and supporting material I completed throughout this module in addition to any additional self-directed study work I thought would be beneficial for this module.

I have included a download link to allow you to download my travel application and infographic project.

IXD104 Image & Data Visualisation Project Download



Travel Application Project

Travel App Research

Idea Generation & Sketching

Creating Travel Illustrations

Creating An Icon Set

Wireframing & Prototyping


Infographic Project

Planning My Infographic

Research & Idea Generation

Creating A Textual Layout For Content

Wireframing & Final Design


Weekly Blog Posts

Week 01 – Introduction, Brief & Master Apprentice

Week 02 – Hand To Mouse

Week 03 – Getting Iconic

Week 04 – Photography

Week 05 – Illustrating Interfaces

Week 06 – Tying It All Together

Week 07 – Group Critique

Week 08 – Designing Infographics (Master Apprentice Task 2)

Week 09 – Visualising Data

Week 10 – Manufactured Fictions In The Age Of Instagram

Week 11 – The Art Of Information

Week 12 – The Final Countdown

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