In last weeks class we were introduced to blender, and given a quick guide on how to start putting it to use. In class, Henry ran through how to model a little alien character with us for fun, and to get us used to the settings and short cuts:
Mine ended up looking like a wee frog, but I think it’s cute.
For our homework, we were tasked with creating sculpts of fruits. I was pretty happy with my apple, but it all falls short of my standards after that:
I have no idea how to sculpt a leaf, so I thought this ended up looking pretty sub-par. I like the shape of the fruit itself, though!
The same thing with my bell pepper, I like the shape of the pepper itself but its stalk is a little lacking. I’m not really sure how to make it drastically bend like that with sculpting tools, and I wanted to try and manipulate the shape but cylinders don’t seem to like being sculpted.
The questions I want to ask Henry in our next class are:
How do I get my cylinder to Dyntopo like his did on his walk through? Mine, for some reason, only seemed to alter the mesh at the edges of the cylinder rather than all over. This was really irritating, I couldn’t seem to find a solution either.
I also want to be shown how I can do a bell pepper stalk myself, as I hadn’t much of a clue.
Over all, not a bad week’s work in homework but definitely not where I’d like to be, either.
We were also asked to whip up some concepts for our cute characters for our first assignment. I had originally thought about doing a cute little fox with a big spiky weapon, however it wasn’t really gelling with me:
I could, and might, explore this idea a little more in the future, however I am pretty set and happy with what I concepted next. One of my favourite animals is an Axolotl; I’m pretty obsessed with them infact. I had the idea of having a little axolotl boy in Hobbit-like colours and clothes. I wanted to make him a little adventurer:
I drew up these little concepts to get an idea of what I wanted for him, as well as testing a few ideas of an axolotl wizard. I then went on to play with the colours a little:
I must admit, I also quite like the little blue and pink axolotl on the bottom left hand side. I finally had the idea of having my axolotl holding his lantern towards the edge of a cliff, as if he’s on an adventure at night time and wants to see what’s below him? I thought this would be such a sweet idea for this model, and if it’s something I can achieve I will be so pleased:
The references I used to generate these ideas and concepts were from the following Pinterest boards I created:
Overall, I’m really happy with my sculpting this week and am hoping to learn a lot more with it in future. I really hope that I am able to meet my expectations like I was in hard surface modelling: The process for sculpting feels a little more intuitive to me than hard surface modelling did, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn’t come with as much of a struggle.
I also looked at the following tutorial in an attempt to model the bell pepper stalk: