Animated Narratives: More animation and progress

Edit: I actually edited the scenes and included the secondary movement, as it was really irritating me. I think my newest attempt makes it much easier to see what progress I have made, where I maintained the sizing of the shots as well as working on the timing and movement of the main character:

I am working through animation for the noob ghost, trying to get as much as I can done before next week when we are in to try and render; I took a play blast of the progress so far (I posted an updated version I made with a few tweeks also)

I also took a couple of render screen shots to see how the lighting is looking and the frames in general (Ignore the lack of textures on the surrounding items; on the school computers my USB is registered as the E Drive, where as on my home computer it is registered as the F Drive).

I really do think that the noob ghost could use some more secondary actions, particularly in his leaf hair. I am going to upload these scenes to the one drive so that Ciara is able to light the characters, and will see if Will or Ellie might be willing to go back through them to see if we can add a little more secondary action to the leaves. At the moment, I’m more concerned with getting it finished and don’t really have the time to worry too much about it, but if my peers are able to collaborate with me on this character’s animation, I think we will be in a good place to have it finished to a good standard:

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