Thursdays class was centred around rigging how to start applying movement to our models. We were first tasked with a very simple rig to make a cylinder move, and looking at applying skin weights:
We were then given a water wheel, which already had a controls applied, and were taught how to apply both parents and constraints to these objects:
Finally, we were taught how to rig up a tentacle, which I animated very badly but I’m still pretty pleased with it.
After Lunch, Alec looked at my model progress so far and gave me some tips on how to improve it. I made the bottom of the ghost a little fatter so that the transition from the body to tail isn’t quite as dramatic, and it gives is a little bit less of a ‘sperm’ feel LMAO. I also played around with the eyes a little, added a few materials just to get the overall feel happening and added a couple of arms. Alec also linked me a video that I will be using going forward in order to model my leaf: