Month: March 2022

Week 6 Critique

This week we had a class critique for our Apollo Space Program immersive prototypes. These critiques are useful for getting valuable feedback and constructive criticism for my work so far. At this state I have completed a functional Figma prototype. Instead of scrolling, the user has to click through the site to see how each…Continue Reading Week 6 Critique

Week 7 Critique

This week we looked over everyone’s work up until this point, including different app concepts surrounding the theme of healthcare. I believe these critiques are useful, not only to see others’ work and to make sure you’re keeping on the right track with your own design, but also to gain valuable feedback and constructive criticism…Continue Reading Week 7 Critique

Undercover User Experience Design (Voices That Matter)

In doing research for IXD303 and designing my own app prototype, I downloaded a copy of Undercover User Experience Design (Voices That Matter) by Cennydd Bowles and James Box. I discovered the difference between low and high fidelity as well as the importance of critiques and making changes to UX designs. Fidelity Fidelity is the…Continue Reading Undercover User Experience Design (Voices That Matter)

IXD303 Research: Good hydration may reduce long-term risks for heart failure

  I came across another interesting article on the benefits of good hydration. This article explains how a study conducted by the researchers at the National Institutes of Health found that staying well hydrated may be associated with a reduced risk of heart failure. Heart failure, also known as congestive heart failure (CHF), is a…Continue Reading IXD303 Research: Good hydration may reduce long-term risks for heart failure

IXD303 Research: Many Britons don’t drink enough water, poll suggests

In researching some recent articles on health related topics, I came across a news article posted on The Independent concerning the importance of hydration.   Report data The study states that over half of those polled said they do not take any water with them when they leave the house. After a…Continue Reading IXD303 Research: Many Britons don’t drink enough water, poll suggests