#IXD103 Week 9 – S.W.O.T Analysis & Goals

During this weeks class we outlined our goal, defined our strengths and weaknesses all in preparations for building our portfolio website. We were then referred to Miro by Daniel where we had to complete a number of tasks.

S.W.O.T Analysis

At the start of our class we created a S.W.O.T analysis to acknowledge and explore our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. I have created my S.W.O.T analysis down below:

This exercise helped me explore what I can do, where it can take me and what can stop/hinder me. This is excellent way for planning and developing myself and my brand. Not only has doing this exercise allowed me to explore my weaknesses/successes but has also gave me a new way to self assess myself not just on creating my website but overall general design. I can use this analysis to measure my growth and progression.


The Goals & Hierarchy

For this task, in a group effort, the whole class had to write down a posted note for what we think our portfolio website is for. Daniel then asked us to put the posted notes on the hierarchal bulls eye in terms of importance e.g. tertiary – least important / Primary – most important. After a few alterations by Daniel, we then got a more accurate hierarchal chart.


What have I learned?

I really enjoyed these activities and found them greatly beneficial to me as it has outlined the strengths, weaknesses, threats, opportunities and showed what my site should contain on a basis of importance. With this knowledge, I will focus on improving my weaknesses and trying to limit any threats. I also now know what my website is used for and have acknowledge the purpose and importance of these elements.

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