The elements project can either for children or under grad students. I am not sure which to choose so I decided to do some brainstorming of why each would be good and the cons to them also, I have added images of my thoughts below…






My thoughts…

From looking at this information its pretty equal, I would learn a lot with either target audience group I choose, there are good and some downs for both sides. I guess it depends on what I want to learn from the experience and what skills do I want to better from this project? Maybe I need to look at what it is that I want to get out of this project and then tailor my choice using that. Right now I feel like I am leaning more towards a student app about the periodic table as I think I could develop more skills and do things that I haven’t done before. I think that I do want to get good at designing products with simple but good design.


What is next?

I want to look at what I really want to get out of this project. I also want to look at research on both sides children periodic table research perhaps look at a few games online and also some more advanced sites aimed for students. I also want to do some brainstorming ideas from both sides to see if that sparks some inspiration for an app but I think more research will help with my decision.

IXD301- Target Audience options

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