Week 9 – Presentations

This week we presented what we had done for our animation over the Easter break. This was our presentation!  Presentation (canva.com)   We got some feedback in class; unfortunately I wasn’t able to make it in but Ellie kindly wrote all the points that was made in our discord and we began to discuss what […]

Easter Break

Over Easter, our goal was the get all our characters/ props modelled for going back to uni so we could really just focus on animating. Ellie made a milanote where we could put all our concepts and research in with our own categories so I put all mine in:   During the first week I […]

Week 7 + Week 8

This week, we tried to nail down our final idea before going off for easter. We messaged a couple of times in discord, but it was hard trying to work out when everyone was free to call; we all felt like we haven’t been communicating as much and that we are a little behind so […]