Week 11 (30/11/2020 – 6/12/2020)

Days Before Class Whilst I was continuing to work on my animation I decided I would restart the whole process.  This was due to how overcomplicated the file had become and it was becoming harder to work on all aspects eg: too many layers making it difficult to sort through.  However I did import someContinue reading Week 11 (30/11/2020 – 6/12/2020)

Week 10 (23/11/2020 – 29/11/2020)

Days Before Class I didn’t get much work completed this week as I had to both deal with one or two family issues at home.  Additionally with me forgetting to take a concentration tablet this Tuesday (due to my Autism) my focus was all over the place.  For the first half of the week IContinue reading Week 10 (23/11/2020 – 29/11/2020)

Week 4 (12/10/2020 – 18/10/2020)

The Days Before Class I continued with my homework, of creating both character designs for the Evil Scientist, the Hybrids Animals and 6 thumbnail drawings for the backgrounds, all for the Group 4 project.  I also created 2 different colour pallets for a pre-drawn background to reflect how colour can change the location or theContinue reading Week 4 (12/10/2020 – 18/10/2020)

Week 3 (5/10/2020 – 11/10/2020)

Work Before Class Leading up to the animation studio class on Thursday (which will be held online using both Blackboard and Discord), I was working on the 6 thumbnail perspective backgrounds on the drawing software Krita.  I got the backgrounds completed and I am happy how they turned out, except for the first one.  IContinue reading Week 3 (5/10/2020 – 11/10/2020)