UX Designer

Tag ixd104

IXD104 – Week 03 – Notes & Review

Illustration Styles     This week we looked at illustration styles, as well as some work done by illustrators. This lecture was very useful and informative. Especially with our next two projects being so illustration-heavy. I really loved looking at… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Travel App Mindmap

Travel App Development After researching and looking at a few different travel apps available on the app-store, as well as some prototypes on Dribbble, I have decided to make my travel app an app to assist people backpacking through Europe…. Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Week 02 – Creating my own Icon set

Icons In this week’s lecture we learnt that with icons, you should reduce images to their most simple forms. Icons are an integral part of visual identities, and so the style and consistency of icons are very important to consider…. Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Travel App Research

Since we are to create a Travel App prototype, I’ve been looking around on the App Store at the different travel apps available in order to find inspiration.   TripIt The first app I came across was called “TripIt” Something… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Week 01 Icon Recreation (M-A Exercise)

Master-Apprentice Exercise This week we were asked to pick a few icons from two example sets and recreate them using Illustrator or Figma. This was to practice with the Master-Apprentice technique. I chose the torch and camera icons from the… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Week 01 – Notes & Review

This week was mainly about what this next semester will entail in IXD104. We learnt a bit about images and why they’ve been so important in mankind. Then Paul went on to explain what we will be doing over the… Continue Reading →

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